my lovely friends...

to my friends with love... - Orkut Image Scraps! - Orkut Image Scraps!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

...if there is dream...

...if there is dream to sell...
                   what would you buy ?


  1. Salam my lovely Sis HAzeleyed:)....

    Duk tengah fikir niii...:):)
    Yang Pasti mesti yg indah2...:)

  2. to maiyah with love
    ...tak kira...maiyah kena beli gak satu...hahaha!

    to my dearest sis Tinie
    ...i have one nice one! shh! not for sharing!
    Bless you all

  3. i want to dream of my mum- I want to see her smiling and tell me all is ok- and I want to dream of my sister that I never met- can I buy this dream?:(

  4. Salam Kak..

    Hmmm, go back to Malaysia and meet my beloved mother.. ok tak idea tu?

  5. to ERMAYUM with love
    ...dreams don't cost you a go on dear and dream...

  6. to Nida with love
    that's one dream that will soon come true...

  7. haz.lady ...
    I wanna buy ... love .. its broke long time ago 3 years.. i need and wait a same one .. u hav it?

  8. to S.C.H.A with love

    You can give without loving, but you cannot
    love without giving.

    so...give your love my dear...and you'll gain love from someone in return...this...i am sure...InsyaAllah.

  9. Nak mimpi paling indah mcm cerita fairy tale which ends "they live happily ever after". I want to live a happy live without anything to worry about..

  10. no. i prefer visualization rather than dream. in order to get whatever we want most in our lives, we need to struggle and works towards achieving it, and visualization keeps me always in the feeling of already have it

  11. to Tk dear with love
    ...that is eveybody's dream...let us wish that it will all come true for everybody ...yeay!

  12. Ass-Salam Masterzizoul
    ...couldn't disagree with you more...
    Dream...not day dream, must be followed by perseverance...only then one will achieve what ever dream one has thus be a successor.

  13. successful people make their dream becomes a a way they are a dreamchaser.

  14. seorang wanita mimpi melihat umar al-khattab dan 2orang lelaki melintasi titian siratul mustakim…
    2 org lelaki 2 tak lepas…jatuh dlm neraka

    umar Tanya sambil menggigil…”bagaimana dgn aku?”
    umar,berbahagialah kerana kau melepasinya..
    umar kata :kalau aku ada kekayaan dari timur ke barat skalipun, tentu aku akan gadai demi melepasinya”
    berbahagialah kita kalau dapat melihat masa depan kita mcm umar 2… =)
    malah Allah sebut dalam surah As-sajdah:12….Bila manusia dapat tgk kesudahan sendiri, pasti kita akan minta dikembalikan ke dunia kerana takut akan neraka dan sedar tak layak masuk syurga..

  15. seorang wanita mimpi melihat umar al-khattab dan 2orang lelaki melintasi titian siratul mustakim…
    2 org lelaki 2 tak lepas…

    umar Tanya sambil menggigil…”bagaimana dgn aku?”
    umar,berbahagialah kerana kau melepasinya..
    umar kata :kalau aku ada kekayaan dari timur ke barat skalipun, tentu aku akan gadai demi melepasinya”
    berbahagialah kita kalau dapat melihat masa depan kita mcm umar 2… =)
    malah Allah sebut dalam surah As-sajdah:12….Bila manusia dapat tgk kesudahan sendiri, pasti kita akan minta dikembalikan ke dunia kerana takut akan neraka dan sedar tak layak masuk syurga..

  16. maaf, tertinggal "assalamualaikum.."...

  17. Ass-Salam DrSam
    ...and it all started with a dream...
    Good Day.

  18. Ass-Salam syahadatul haq
    Terima kasih kerna sudi singgah di teratak kita...
    ...mungkin kita hanya mampu bermimpi untuk melihat kesudahan kita...
    Doakan semua kita akan berkesudahan yang baik-baik...InsyaAllah.


leave me your love...