my lovely friends...

to my friends with love... - Orkut Image Scraps! - Orkut Image Scraps!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

... a busy week ends...

Saturday 15th January 2011

     Joined my other half , cleaning our tiny property...a very old house which was once belongs to my mother in law. Now that we bought the property...owned ~ 3/4 of the whole's up to us to let the lot managed or to let it grow and become a jungle!
As the  neighbouring houses are all abandoned ( most owners are either past away or left to live with their children )...have to make it a routine .

 too bad no fruits around this time...

     So there goes the trimming , chopping , and burning of the remnant.
Honestly, i love living in a village...but not in a'jungle'  - liked kampung...

...perhaps ...reminiscing the good old days


  1. Assalamualaikum Kak..

    Moga kakak sihat hendaknya..

    Ya, I do love too living in a village..:)

  2. To adinda Abd Razak with Salam
    Thank you for visiting.
    Alhamdulillah...kak Hazel sehat.
    sayang sedikit kampung sekarang banyak telah berbeza...suasana dan kejiranan

  3. ASM Puan.
    suasana kampung sentiasa menggamit kedamaian. Saya memang dari dulu bercita-cita ingin tinggal di kampung.

  4. To DrSam with salam

    Kak hazel juga suka suasana redup kampung...namun rumah ni terlalu terbiar kerana jiran2 di sekelling jug atiada lagi...tinggal kan kawasan mereka hampir menjadi hutan...takut nak tinggal di sini.
    Mungkin bila pencen baru kak hazel tinggal sini...

  5. Salam Kak Hazel..

    seronoknya dapat memerun... dulu masa kecil2 suka main api bila arwah ayah buat unggun api :)

  6. To dear Nida with lots of love

    Kak Hazel sampai dah tua ni pun suka main bakar2 sampah @main api...akan cuba hidupkan api sampai berjaya!(:

    p/s memerun tu apa maksud dia??? (:


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