my lovely friends...

to my friends with love... - Orkut Image Scraps! - Orkut Image Scraps!

Monday, February 15, 2010;s hot!

Having the thoughts between going or not...i started my holiday routine...cycling rather late...i.e around 7.30 am...
a few minutes later...on reaching the spot where i could clearly watch the rising sun...
then...i saw one huge bright red light emerging right from behind those palm trees.
Its the Sun!
It was huge ...unlike before...
then i know its gonna be a hot.and hot day today!

this is what it appeared to be 8 minutes later... 

***Mira is on her way back to KL...and i know's gonna be a tough and hectic journey for her...
Drive carefuly...
Allah bless my dear Mira...
May she reach her house...safely.


  1. It is always a blessed to breath an early morning air and witness the morning sun rising.

  2. Salam kak..

    Dunia sudah semakin tua.. iklim pun dah tak macam dulu, bila panas, panas yg melampau.. bila sejuk pun sejuk yg melampau

  3. cuaca mmg panas sekarang ni, nk kua pun malas rasanye... mujur tgh cuti

  4. Hazeleyed to Dr Sam is more beautiful and fascinating to witness the rising sun when we are at the beach...

  5. To Nida with love
    ...dunia akhir zaman ...dan dah terlalu lama memberi khidmat dan nikmat...

  6. to teja with love
    Kak Hazeleyed pun rase macam Teja...kalau boleh tak nak keluar rumah dengan cuaca yang terik dan kering...cuma tinggal sehari cuti...esok terpaksa harungi juga...huuu....sabar je ek!

  7. to Hliza with love
    Kak hazeleyed sekat sikit naufal dari keluar bermain kerana ini...dah hangus sebab latihan sukan dan merentas desa...pergi balik sekolah lagi...hahaha!

  8. to maiyah with love
    ...nampaknya kite kena bertahan hingga beberapa bulan lagi...kurangkan aktiviti luar rumah kalau boleh selain minum air lebih dari biasa...demam selsema batuk akan menjadi sesuatu yang biasa nampaknya.

  9. what a hot day we have now. but i think it's better than the flood that I face every year. I hate flood as I have to wade through the rising water followed by doing some repairs to my car.

  10. salam,

    tadi dah tulis komen tp line putus so skrg x ingat apa yg nak tulis. tp bagi saya, kemarau tu lebih baik drp banjir bagi tempat sy yg selalu kena banjir ni.

  11. to Daddy Zuki have made your points there...
    Looks like we have to tolerate to this kind of weather for at least another month...??

  12. tak ngape ya Daddy zuki...pasti ada hikmah di sebalik segala yang Allah hidangkan buat kita...
    Sejahtera buat anda sekeluarga.

  13. Let all days happily filled with brightness as this Lady!!

  14. Salam my lovely sis :)
    Memang tak tahan dek panas...
    Tapi terpaksa pula menahan diri dek sukan yang bermulanya kul 3pm...aduhaiiiiiiiii..!!

  15. To dearest sis Tinie with love

    Huuu...we are two in a boat!
    cuma kak Hazeleyed Sukan hari Sabtu ni...
    Harap Tinie dapat bertahan...tak apa-apa...
    Take care.


leave me your love...